Sew Biz Calendar
9:00 am
Breakfast Club...9:00...Please note the Time!!
Breakfast Club...9:00...Please note the Time!!
2:00 pm
Copper Mountain Block-of-the-Month
Copper Mountain Block-of-the-Month
4:00 pm
Beginning Crochet
Beginning Crochet
5:00 pm
Bitsy Box
Bitsy Box
10:30 am
Wire Frame Carry Case
Wire Frame Carry Case
5:30 pm
Sew Biz Cross Stitchers
Sew Biz Cross Stitchers
2:00 pm
Accuquilt Go Club
Accuquilt Go Club
5:30 pm
Getting to Know Your Sewing Machine
Getting to Know Your Sewing Machine
5:30 pm
Getting to Know Your Sewing Machine
Getting to Know Your Sewing Machine
10:30 am
BERNINA Mastery #2 for BERNINA 2 & 3 Series, Bernette 05 & 38
BERNINA Mastery #2 for BERNINA 2 & 3 Series, Bernette 05 & 38
1:30 pm
BERNINA Mastery #2 for BERNINA 4, 5, 7, & 8 Series; Bernette 77 & 79
BERNINA Mastery #2 for BERNINA 4, 5, 7, & 8 Series; Bernette 77 & 79
2:30 pm
Embroidery Club (Machine Embroidery)
Embroidery Club (Machine Embroidery)
5:00 pm
Knitted Hedgehog
Knitted Hedgehog
1:00 pm
Quilting with Your Walking Foot
Quilting with Your Walking Foot
2:00 pm
Serger Machine Club
Serger Machine Club
4:00 pm
Knitting Socks!
Knitting Socks!